24-year old rapper J. Money's is riding high in his hometown of Atlanta, GA with his new single, 1st Name Last Name, being one of the most requested songs on the top 8 at 8 on Atlanta's V103 for the last 8 weeks, its been in the top 3 for three weeks and have reached #1 most requested throughout the weeks and is still on the countdown. V103's Greg Street says of 1st Name Last Name, "It's still big on the streets and on radio in Atlanta and it's spreading like wildfire."
Signed to Bases Loaded Records, J. Money entered the game 16 months ago after managing Teezie Dollar who was apart of the popular local group, The Truth. "Prior to 16 months ago I had no intention on rapping, just managing. But as I stayed in the studio with Teezie, I got that itch. I began to learn the formula of rapping and felt that I had a message that needed to be heard - the futuristic message," states J. Money.
J. Money is ready let the world know exactly what being futuristic is about when his debut album releases Fall 2009. The video for the hit single 1st Name Last Name is set to be shot early June and Bases Loaded is gearing up to release the second single from his upcoming album This Is How We Play featuring Meany from the Shop Boyz within the coming weeks.
"For me, it's futuristic not to only tell your story on record but to also to reach out and spend time with the kids so they can get the whole picture. It's important to me to personally tell them about my life and how I turned it around from selling drugs, doing drugs, robbing and stealing to spending 4 years behind bars to now. I want to let them know they don't have to settle for a life of crime or drugs. They can make it doing the right things. I want them to truly know that, " exclaims J. Money.
This Is How We Play will be available in stores this Fall.
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